
Showing posts from April, 2022


  Today I was examining a footballer before he was to be made fit for playing. He was unfit to play competitive sports because of a heart condition called Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We have seen a number of such young people dying suddenly during play or on Gym. Can you imagine the feeling and state of mind of this man? Most of the high level games and top Gyms ask the players to get themselves medically examined and proper fitness to be given by doctors before they join.             A number of times they are examined superficially and made fit. There are a few heart conditions which are not diagnosed unless they are properly checked. These conditions may be existing from birth or they may have started in early childhood. The conditions like Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Non compaction and other rare cardiomyopathy, Congenital anomalous coronary arteries, a number of aortapathies, Myocarditis, Valvular heart


I was in an international conference with great doctors in the world. They were deeply involved in discussing a particular disease which comes through genes but manifests differently in different individuals. For some viewers it was perplexing. But today we are all studying the newest science, the science of epigenetics. This science tells us that it is possible to modify or change the manifestation of our genes. Depending upon the change that has been causing in our body by various factors we have been manifesting the effect of these genes. For quite some time this was happening without our knowledge but today we do understand this and we are learning to apply these principles to all of us.             Over the years we will not even be able to modify the course of these diseases but also change our lives, our fortunes, our very characteristics into whatever we want to be. Yes you are hearing it right. Start studying your mind, start understanding about your conscience and subconsci


Here is Manorami, ( name changed) a young beautiful lady of 52 ,mildly overweight, mother  of two, teacher and almost a Google trained master in her medical situation of diabetes with diabetic autonomic  neuropathy and hypertension which according to her was not able to say essential or secondary. Well she comes to me with not only her oral version but also  a bunch of papers downloaded from Google.              I always enjoy such a challenge and called her back with a proper appointment so that I would give her some time to analyse and understand her medical problems.  Her request was simple. She said I am not interested in taking any drugs which show so many side effects. But all my efforts to cure both these problems are not successful. I want to try what you teach in your workshops.              The person was good and genuinely concerned and confused. But was eager to find a solution for the problem. Hence was very easy to tackle. She had already come with some confidence


  There are a number of patients I see who have low sodium ( in common words salt) in their blood.They have a number of complaints like cramps, nausea vomiting, breathlessness, giddiness etc. In fact Sodium is the basic ion along with potassium and calcium for the basic functioning of each cell. Look at the blood tests of people a few hours before their death. A number of times you will see that they had low sodium.   You go through a number of medicine books. There will be an advice of low intake of salt for Hypertension, heart failure, and many such problems. The same advise has been repeatedly followed by the society blindly. End result, a number of hypertension and heart patients have low salt in their body. Besides, these patients are on drugs which throw out salt from their body. End result is that of catastrophic low sodium resulting in even the death of the patient.             In a warm climate like India, even if you don't see the sweat, we normally sweat about a li