Lately I have been teaching my patients the doctrine of Visualise,Believe, Repeat.

On Saturday my 80 year old Ruk...,who was a regular patient visiting me once a month came to visit me after 2 years.She was very fit inspite of a list of ailments she carried. 

On enquiry her answer was very simple.Your mantra keeps me absolutely healthy and I enjoy chanting this mantra all the time with absolute belief and I am actually very healthy. I have changed my life.

         Friends I have created this magic of the mantra in my own case as well as in the life of a lot of my patients.The mantra is very simple creating a visualisation of absolute good health which you have to believe absolutely and keep on repeating with absolute faith and belief. This thought of yours keeps on creating the chemicals in your body which transform your body into a healthy body that you want.Gaining a healthy body and maintaining that great health is completely in your hands.Remember medicines can't create health Medicines are necessary to patch up what has gone wrong which all the good doctors in India are able to do so well..Remember all medicines and modes of medicines have side effects and you must work to avoid them as much as possible. 

          My mantra is so simple


Say this....Believe this....Repeat this all the the results.


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