
Showing posts from November, 2023

Why do we not change ourselves after getting fully motivated?

  You have been listening to a large number of Satsang talks. You get extremely motivated. You go home in the same motivation. After a day or two you are back to your original state and original attitude.   Because your subconscious mind is too big and too strong and it easily takes over your conscious mind and keeps your attitude back to where you are.

Sitting Cross Legged.....

Right side of Brain controls left side of body. Left side of Brain controls right side of body. Functions of Right Brain   --- Visual awareness,imagination, emotions,special abilities, face recognition, music awareness,3D forms,interpreting social cues,left hand control,creativity.etc Functions of Left Brain   --- Calculations maths,logical abilities,speech,comprehensive, arithmetic,writing etc   When we sit in cross leg position the functions of the rwo sides intermingle and you are in a most stable state of mind.   If you cannot sit in a complete sukhasana like pose, just cross your legs and hands. Your body and mind will find it easy to integrate.

Staying Healthy

 There is nothing called miracle so far as the health is concerned.  Every thing in nature goes as per the laws of nature.For millions of years the earth has been moving in the same path around the sun at the same speed.If it changes it's speed, the earth will be burnt into ash in no time. For years we can predict the eclipse,the position of various stars the comets and a large number of happenings in the universe. All that we have to do is to learn these laws of nature, follow them.When we are unaware of the laws of environment we end up in the damage to the environment and face a large number of calamities.     When we understand the laws of healthy living and follow them we will end up with a great health.      To stay disease free you need to understand the laws of health, ,you will stay healthy for a long life     Understand the basics of diet, exercise, regularity,your thinking and you will stay without a disease. Understand the basics of longevity,you will live a long lif

Which Pathy is better.

People worldwide have this constant debate going on.The allopaths say Ayurveda and homeopathy are placebos.While the others say allopathy is a wrong science.        I have seen the Ayurveda practitioners treating themselves with allopathic drugs and vice versa.       I have seen myself treating and curing patients with whatever drugs that have come to my hands on a number of occasions. Health and pathy or drugs may not matter at all on a number of occasions.       Healing is an internal matter. It is for the physician or the Vaidya to understand the patient and alter his mind to cure himself.Many of the medicines may only be the vehicles to reach that destination. Better the vehicle better and safer is the journey.

Learn to Ask and learn to Thank

 Universe has and gifts us everything in abundance for all of us.We only need to accept it,thank the universe and enjoy it.   The oxygen that we take in hospital costs us Rs 5000 a day. You can take in any amount of oxygen from the nature without paying a penny.But we do not hesitate to destroy the whole supply of oxygen from the place we live even after knowing that the absense or lack of this oxygen is making us unsurvivable.We only have to understand this and be careful and thankful to the universe.      Develop the attitude to ask and thank.Even a newborn child has to ask his mother I want milk.When its stomach is full,just observe the child goes to sleep or plays with the mother saying thank you.Every need and luxury that we need is at our disposable. Learn to ask and learn to thank.We do not have the abundance of universe only because we have not earned to ASK and we haven't learned to THANK.       Embrace this science and art of Ask and Thank,universe will make you abundant