
Showing posts from November, 2020

High Dose Vit C In Covid 19 Cytokine storm

  Dr. Digambar Naik It was a sheer accident that in spite of all proper preventive management, I developed covid and landed up into a severe Cytokine storm.            Nobody in Goa had ever used HDVC in such a condition. I was being treated with very high doses of steroids, Remdesivir, antithrombotic, anticoagulants, antibiotics, Zn, oral vitamin C, vitamin D ,vit A, and a other supportive treatments for other systems.             I was constantly worsening. I had a good medical team. We were in touch with other covid teams in the country. Dr Anande and Dr Lenny managed to convince my team to start with 25 Gms of vit C IV every 6 hourly. This makes it to 100 Gms per day. We learn today a large number of Covid centres use high dose vit C with great results and minimum side effects.           My first dose was started at 8pm on the 7th day of admission ……2nd dose at 2am....3rd dose at 8 am next day.....        By the time 3rd dose ended I was smiling and I knew I was on the re
      Dr.Digambar Naik   There was a fad of some engineering person creating an antiseptic spraying entrance to the malls. This became viral and every one started creating and selling these dangerous tunnels. These do nothing to the virus but cause harm to the humans. WHO had to pass an order to tell people to stop such harmful inventions. A lot of money was wasted. Remember that money was a part of our nation's scanty resources.   These days there is a fad of sanitizing classrooms and school surroundings before the starting of schools. There are vendors assuring the management that this sanitization will last 90 days. First of all, there is no virus in the school arena which have been closed for months. We will only cause harm to the children who will inhale this harmful chemical for 90 days ,if at all it lasts that much time. It is very clear today that you don't get virus from floors and surfaces like school benches. The major route of virus coming to you is by close
       Dr. Digambar Naik   Today it is very clear that after the onset of the disease the   Covid 19 virus is dead in our body by about 10 days.   PCR test that comes positive after 10 days is because of the dead remnants of this virus. These dead remnants have been   proved to be non-infectious. That means after 10 days the infected person is no longer infectious. All the scientists all over the world today accept this.   Here I don't   understand   today's   way of disposal of the dead body. I know, in the initial phase, because of our lack of knowledge we followed a procedure that nobody could be happy with. Today after understanding the virus in so much details, we have all the confidence to change our faulty procedure.   For all religions, dead body is very sacred and we are never satisfied unless we have performed all the sacred rites in the right way.   It is a big trauma to the family, the way we dispose off these bodies of Covid 19 patients today. We must r

Wheat is a modern day poison

   Dr. Digambar Naik                                       Dempo Healthcare,                                                                                      behind allen solly                                                                                             showroom, near old                                                                                      magsons, dempo vision                                                                                 building 1 st and 2 nd                                                                                      floor.Cont:-8605657755                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wheat is a modern day poison :           Whenever you are diagnosed as a diabetic, the people advise you to stop eating rice and start chapattis. This is not a correct advice at all, sin

Let us understand our immune system

  Alert, Active, ALIVE @ 100                                 Let us understand our immune system              Your immune system is the leader of the band of good health-a peripheral leader with your brain and mind being the central leaders.             Let us understand our immune system. It is an orchestra which keeps the health of our body going. Like the way we have our defence system of our country, your immune system has all type of leaders like majors, captains, soldiers as well as support system. The immune system has two functions- 1.     To prevent illness. 2.     To recover illness when it strikes.             Like our defence system it has other intermediary jobs which finally end up in giving you a long healthy life by taking care of your body against diseases like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer etc. The vitality of life will depend on the vitality of the Immune system.               The immune


  •        Health is not just absence of disease or infirmity. •        It is a well being of every function of your body Ø   Physical, physiological, psychological, social, economical. Ø   It is a balance of you as a bunch of all these functions visa vis the universe. Ø   It is a smooth play of your energy with the energy of the universe. Ø   Once you create this balance with your universe your spirit, your energy will start vibrating in tune with that of the universe. Ø   Obviously your body will be full of Pleasure and Joy-the ultimate joy. Ø   This my friends, to me is a healthy body…..and we all can achieve this.                                                                                     Dr. Digambar Naik                                             ALERT, Active, Alive @100


       Dr. Digambar Nai                If we look at most of the medical books Breathing has been described as an automatic act controlled by the autonomic nervous systems. Breathing 12-18. times a day has been tagged as normal. A hell lot of research goes on breathing, all over the world and covid 19 pandemic has stepped up this research. Yes this scientific research has been looking at the breathing as the most important aspect of our life. Your health depends on how you breathe.                         Going deeper into the research on breathing, we find a fascinating data which will change the way we live today. Let us look at what is the best way to breathe normally. We understand today  the best way for normal breathing is …….. 1..... Breathe from the nose…. not from the mouth         Being a function of autonomous nervous system, it was presumed that you can breathe any way that you like. Today you find a number of people are mouth breathers especially when they are slee
  MY COVID JOURNEY ( PART III) …….. Dr. Digambar Naik Lessons learnt Damage to my systems I almost knew what was my mistake that gave me Covid-19, obviously I was ready for the management. My fever was just mild (98.9F) with very mild shivers at night only for 3 days. Then I looked good, till suddenly I started feeling breathless and SPO2 started dropping. No other general complaints like headache, cough, dry throat, loose motion till I landed up in the hospital. I had no diabetes, Hypertension and was on zero medication. Today is 35 days of my beginning of symptom and 15 days after the discharge. I am still sick and very weak. A summary of my damages to my body will help all of us r and the treating doctors to understand this disease and its management. 1.      Skin                      _ Loose because of loss of subcutaneous tissue 2.      Muscles                   _ wasted 3.      Weight                   – Reduced by 5 kg 4.      Eyes                       – Sig