Wheat is a modern day poison


 Dr. Digambar Naik

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Wheat is a modern day poison:

          Whenever you are diagnosed as a diabetic, the people advise you to stop eating rice and start chapattis. This is not a correct advice at all, since most chapattis are made of wheat. Today you will find doctors like B.M Hedge saying chapatti= diabetes. Yes, you have read correctly. Today’s wheat is not a healthy food. Many doctors have started calling it a Modern day poison.

          Wheat was genetically modified since 1952, during the great Green Resolution. Norman Ernest  Borlaug an American agronomist won the Nobel for this revolution. Today wheat is genetically manipulated and hybridized and contains more gluten, gliadins, amylopectin and exorphines. Besides todays growing methods and technological method used in all the processes concerning the growth of wheat from sowing to packaging for consumption have something to contribute to its being labelled as modern poison.

          Today we use wheat in practically every meal in some or other way, which you may not even know. Your sauce, salads, dressing spreads, ice-creams, biscuits, chips, processed meats, cakes, cookies, breads, beer, muesli bars, sweets, seasonings, dairy products, a number of other food additives will have wheat in some or other form.

          Let me describe in short what wheat consumption mean to us.

          Gluten is a main protein in wheat which when digested turns into exorphins which work like morphine. Thus wheat is habituating or addicting. This makes it difficult for people to stop wheat, due to its withdrawal effects. Besides you all know other  physical problems induced by gluten.

Amylopectin is a starch which rapidly gets converted to blood sugar, giving you a surge of energy with rapid decline leading to craving for food, finally leading to wheat belly and overweight or obesity

Gliadin is another protein which binds to opiate receptors in brain stimulating  appetite. Today we know besides fats, fructose, wheat is another cause of obesity through Amylopectin and Gliadin.

          Gliadin triggers celiac disease in genetically susceptible individuals. Gliadin also raises the level of Zonulin which opens up tight junctions in the gut, through which nutrients can enter the blood stream directly leading to Leaky Gut which subsequently leads to immunological response leading to a number of physical and neurological manifestations.

          Glyphosate which is used in the production of wheat at various stages leads to dysbiosis (Disruption of balance of microbiome)  leading to celiac disease.

          Phytic acid in wheat binds to calcium, Zinc, magnesium, copper and inhibits their absorption leading to their deficiency.

          Today I advise all my followers to avoid wheat. It can be replaced by rice, millets, quinova, oats, buck wheat etc. in case people insist in eating roties, bread or biscuits. Gluten free products are freely available in the market for our routine use. It takes an effort to come out of wheat addiction, but it is worth it.

          Lectins in wheat bind to insulin receptors and intestinal lining leading to inflammation and autoimmune disease and insulin resistance, leading to metabolic syndrome.

          Sodium azide used in the process of growing of wheat is a toxin that can cause mutagenesis in the wheat, leading to, we having this mutated toxic wheat.

          Use of gamma radiation in the production of wheat will also have its telling effect on the human health






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