No one should die in Covid-19 (SARS- COV-2) infection

No one should die in Covid-19 (SARS- COV-2) infection

          All over the world there are a number of people who have lost their lives to Covid-19 infection. I have personally gone through the Covid hole, stayed there for 15 days and come out of it alive and strong. Here is a short summary of the way how we can avoid a death in this covid hole. Let me begin by saying covid is not a simple flu. It affects every system of our body. It needs proper treatment. If we manage this disease well nobody should die.

1.    A correct awareness about this disease is important. This disease can be and should be avoided in first stage. When you get infected, by about 10 days, the virus dies and then depending upon viral load and your immune status, you land up into a stage called cytokine storm. This storm is an erratic hyper immune response of your body to the virus attack. By 10th day there is no live virus in your body. Though you may be positive with todays test, there is no live virus . You do not need costly antivirals at this stage or even convalescent plasma.

2.    What you need is the proper advice on prevention and how to take care of this when you get an infection. This is vital, because, then being aware, you can take care of yourself well. Be in touch with your medical team right on day one of sickness. They will definitely guide you well till you recover.

3.    The hospital when it decides that the patient needs admission should take care to see that during transit time, patient is not left without oxygen.

4.    The main treatment in the hospital should begin with

                                                             i.      Vit- C in high dose therapy – There are protocols to follow. This lately has shown a great promise in saving these patients as well as reducing their hospital stay and convalescent period.

                                                          ii.      Steroids in as low dose as required

                                                       iii.      Antivirals like Remdesivir, lopinavir, favipiravir, ivermectin, Hydroxychloquin etc, if lees than 10 days of sickness

                                                       iv.      Convalescent plasma if less than 10 days of sickness

                                                          v.      Other support measures as required E.g.

A.  Glutathione, statins, colchicine, vit D, Vit A, Vit B complex, Vit E, Melatonin,

B.   Anti fungals.

                                                       vi.      Managing other associate conditions well like diabetes,         Hypertension, kidney problem, liver disease etc

                                                        vii.      Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet for prevention of clot

                                                         viii.      Antibiotic if required

                                                       ix.      Proper nutrition

                                                          x.      All other supportive measures as required

                                                       xi.      Good nursing care.

5.    Good monitoring and supervision of all associate conditions is very essential. The patient in covid hole must have an attendant. The hospital should decide on how this can be made feasible. At present everybody is kept away from the covid word/ ICU. If dead the patient is taken to the mortuary straight by the hospital staff. This is a bad practice both for the patient, for the relatives as well as for the society. By creating a change here, I am sure a lot of goodness will happen to all three stakeholders. I know the lawmakes have to work here.

6.    Have a good watch on the patient and keep his SPO2 levels above 90% all the time. If this happens his other organs will have no damage and his associated conditions will not worsen. Keep O2 to normal level till cytokine storm settles. This should be strictly adhered to especially when the patient is moving to the washroom and for other investigations.

7.    Psychological boost is the basic necessity of this patient in covid ward. We know that anxiety and fear increases inflammation.  We must do all that is feasible to convince the patient that he will easily come out of this as a safe and strong human being.

8.    Nutritionally the person goes in a negative balance. The medical team has to play a good role here. Patient loses his weight, muscle mass, hair, subcutaneous fat, taste, smell etc. His endocrine system is definitely is not healthy

9.    A proper balance of calories, vitamins, all the necessary minerals, phytochemicals in food has to be watched and supplemented. I would recommend the necessary calories along with at least three type of vegetables, 3 types of grains, 3 types of legumes and dals and 3 different coloured fruits in his daily diet. A good nutritionist will cut his post covid convalescence very short.

We do not have to get scared of this disease. Just these few    measures followed properly will send all your covid patients home safely.

11.                       Post covid I have seen the patient has a large number of complaints which are following overall weak systems. I have seen these patients taking months to recover, get admitted to the hospital repeatedly. They have no serious problems. It is this extreme fear and anxiety the family and the patients carry. The common complaints are giddiness, weakness, imbalance, change in memory, speech and hearing, chest pain, cough, breathlessness, palpitations, hyperventilation, electrolyte imbalance

12.                       All these eventually will settle down as the patient improves. He and his family needs proper counselling and assurance to go through during this post covid convalescence

13.                       With just these few rational measures every patient of covid should be able to overcome this difficult time


Post COVID stroke and heart attack can be prevented with statin, Aspirin, Dypiridamole, anticoagulant like rivoroxaban and many such drugs.

I would reiterate that having taken a good care of ourselves in preventing and in early treatment if required, we do not have to be scared of covid.


Dr.Digambar Naik

Cont:- 8605657755

Dempo Healthcare, La Campala Colony,Miramar Panjim Goa 403001




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