Yes - there is everything in a name


Yes - there is everything in a name


    We all have names. The Names of people reflect cast, creed, religion, location, county, states and many more thoughts and beliefs.  All of us carry this identity called name - a personal name and a family name. Today, there is a fashion to keep very short names .Did you realise that when royal empires existed in India the children born in royal families had very long names often ending with Raje or Rana, Devi,Swami, Savai  eg. Shivaji Raje, Prithviraj Rana Pratap , Chandrajeet , Dharmraj,Indradev, Jayraj etc…

           This had a great meaning. While we are in the mother’s womb our mind starts to get developed. Basically we are 5-6% conscious mind and rest 94-95% is subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is 40millions times stronger than conscious mind and decides our nature, attitude, habit. Unfortunately our subconscious mind starts developing while we are in mother’s womb and is completely developed by the time we are 7 yrs old , i.e. while the brain is in the Theta state . At that age we have 40 million times learning Capacity compared to adults and we learn by touch ,sound, smell , body energy waves as well as by what goes on with the interaction of our  contacts and what we see and hear . This is the age where our whole habit attitude, believes and all the characters are developed. It is the parents who influence us the most as well as our peers and the relatives and the care takers and we become like them.

       Our names are one of the major factor that influences our character, our ambition and how and what we will achieve in this world . As somebody calls our names a million times in our childhood , the meaning and the vibration and energy that it creates will be stored in our subconscious mind and will decide our life. Give your child a strong name and use it with the same strength that you want him to develop his mind and hence subsequently his life.         

          Let us see you have named your boy as Hanuman. Now think when he hear this name a thousand times , he pictures Hanuman (visualization )   and has the strength of  Hanuman in his mind which get ingrained in his mind at  that age from 0 to 7yrs . He BELIVES the virtues and strength of  Hanuman are with him. When this is repeated again and again in his mind, it get recorded as a cassette and that is his subconscious mind.

          Suppose we call him with nick names like Hance or Hanu and any such names with no strength, he is bound to believe that he is just a small loving personality born in this Universe . His subconscious cassette gets all such visualizations and he too lands up being a meaningless creature, confused in trying to find his identity.

         Instead let him hear that strong and good meaningful name where in, he creates  his own identity right from that strong age of 0-7 years, and grows up with the real meaning to his life.

Analyse and research on these names of our great ancestors, how a boy born in a king’s family become the king himself.

          This is a thought I want each of us to bear in mind. Avoid insignificant and low level nicknames to your children before the age of 7 years, let them hear, feel and develop the strength in their names which are chosen by you thoughtfully and make  them creations of your dream. Along with all that you do, it is important to avoid such harmful nicknames.     


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